There are levels of anxiety we should consider and find out which level goes beyond normal. Also, how does a healthcare professional treat and help the patient in managing his/her levels of anxiety?
Levels of anxiety and Management
No one is exempted to experience anxiety so it is important to know the levels of anxiety before knowing when is the right time to intervene with anxiety or not.
Mild level- This level is what a normal person experiences. It becomes an asset as it stimulates the brain and body to perform tasks effectively and efficiently. No intervening is required for this level.
Moderate level-
The patient is a little-bit confused so speak in short, simple sentences when providing immediate care.Severe level- the patient has a higher level of anxiety, trembling and physical symptoms are evident. Stay with patient, try also to relax and talk in a calm, gentle manner. Appropriate relaxation training can be taught at this point.
Panic level: The patient is in the complete state of mental confusion and narrowed perception. Two or more physical symptoms of anxiety are evident. Do and talk nothing except to remain with patient until the panic recedes.
A lot of health magazines, journals and online platforms are now on the same track of suggestions to treat anxiety. These are drugs, psychotherapy, behavior modification, and relaxation training.
1. Drugs- The name of the drugs are anxiolytics and there are a lot of drugs used under this classification. One of the most common drug used is Diazepam which helps in the management of anxiety disorders or by providing short-term relief of anxiety. It can also calm tensed muscles.
2. Behavior Modification- In terms of anxiety disorders, there are specific techniques
of which the patient’s behavior can be modified. For example, for phobic patients, there is a technique called systematic desensitization in which the patient is exposed to his fear through a gradual process until he overcomes it. If he has a phobia on spiders, the first exposure is to let the patient look at a picture of spider. The spider exposure steps up to reality every time the patient overcomes it. Other approaches to behavior modification include positive and negative reinforcement, reward and punishment.3. Psychotherapy- A treatment in which the focus is to use psychological methods rather than biological. There are a lot of therapies used but only psychologists and psychiatrists know what is best to use to treat anxiety.
4. Relaxation training- Deep-guided imagery and Deep-breathing exercises are some of the trainings that can relax the muscles and lessen heart pounding while on anxiety attack. Deep-guided imagery is visualizing a nature such as the beach or mountains to relax the mind. Deep-breathing exercises is all about inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling it through the mouth in a slow manner. Other relaxation training that helps treat anxiety is physical exercise. Some best exercise options are running. Swimming, bicycling, brisk walking, aerobics etc.
Note that the treatments can be combined or only one of the following maybe used.